Nail Fungus Q & A
Nail fungal infections are problematic for reasons beyond compromised aesthetics. If you have nail fungus, do not assume you can remedy it on your own with a DIY (do it yourself) attempt. You can proactively address this problem by reaching out to Fair Oaks Podiatry and Sports Medicine at (703) 865-6783. The assistance of our medical professionals really does have the potential to eliminate your nail fungus. Prescription medicines as well as non-prescription treatments have the potential to remedy your nail fungus. Laser treatment might also help. Elevated light doses have the potential to destroy nasty nail fungus.
If necessary, the nail will be removed. However, nail removal is the last resort only considered if other treatments prove ineffective and there is considerable pain. The removal of the nail sets the stage for a healthier nail to emerge though it might take upwards of a year for this to occur. Nail removal resulting from nail fungus is performed through surgery or with the application of a strong chemical. Examples of non-prescription treatments for nail fungal infections include mentholated salve, oils, extracts and other over-the-counter remedies. Topical medicines that have helped combat nail fungus include Lamisil, Kerydin, Naftin, Jublia and Ciclodan.