
Plantar Fasciitis Q & A

If you suffer from plantar fasciitis, do not assume you can simply roll the bottom of your foot over a tennis ball to remedy the problem. You need and deserve professional analysis, advice and treatment provided at Fair Oaks Podiatry and Sports Medicine. We will analyze your foot problem to determine if you have plantar fascia inflammation. Follow our guidance in terms of treatment and your plantar fasciitis condition might be eliminated in a couple months. If necessary, we will perform imaging tests to determine if the pain has another cause such as a pinched nerve or a broken bone. Treatment modalities for plantar fasciitis include medication in the form of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that reduce pain and inflammation within the plantar fascia of the foot. Other patients benefit from steroid injections into the most painful section of the plantar fascia. It might also help to visit with a physical therapist for physical therapy exercises that strengthen and stretch the plantar fascia.

Our foot experts might determine you can benefit from shock-wave therapy that shocks the plantar fascia with the use of sound waves, stimulating blood flow and expediting the healing of the tissue. Night splints that stretch the calf and the foot’s arch while sleeping have also proven successful for plantar fasciitis treatment. If absolutely necessary, a tenex procedure will be considered in which a small incision is made for the removal of scar tissue. The last resort is surgery in which the plantar fascia is taken off the heel bone. Local anesthesia will be used to ensure you are as comfortable as possible during the procedure.